North District FederationSouth District Federation
Welcome to Farmers Federation GoaGoa falls in the Western Plains & Ghats Climatic Zone under the Coastal Hilly Sub-region. It receives rainfall from the Southwest monsoon between the months of June and September. The average annual rainfall of the State is 3200 mm. The average temperature ranges between 19 degrees and 36 degrees Celsius.
Goa has a distinction of having around 63% of the gross cropped area under horticultural crops. Planning Commission have strongly recommended that the Twelfth Plan should put special focus on building capacity that encourages group formation and collective effort by small, marginal and women farmers, rather than simply provide additional subsidy to individuals in these categories. To ensure better price realisation, marketing linkage, technology adoption, dissemination of knowledge, etc., a federation of Farmers’ Clubs / Farmers' Associations in the State would prove to be beneficial. LATEST EVENTSInaugration of Fruits & Vegetables Centre @NAGOA