North District FederationSouth District Federation
About Farmers Federation Goa
The main horticultural crops are cashew, coconut, areca nut and garden crops like mango, pineapple, jackfruit, banana, etc. Oil palm cultivation has also been taken up in the State. Vegetable cultivation and floriculture are also undertaken in certain pockets to a limited extent. Vanilla cultivation has been introduced by some progressive farmers.
Goa has a distinction of having around 63% of the gross cropped area under horticultural crops. The limited availability of land in Goa calls for intensive and high-tech horticulture cultivation. Polyhouses, green houses, sprinkler and drip irrigation etc can lead to enhanced productivity and cultivation of variety of crops. The demand side is very strong in Goa for the entire spectrum from local vegetables to exotic species and flowers due to the presence of large number of high end hotels and tourists. |